The Pole of the Cold; Siberia's Oymyakon

                                                        Reindeer in Oymyakon

My mother who has Alzheimer's keeps asking why the northern Michigan city she lives in won't close down for the winter. "It's like Siberia" she often says. Well she's not completely accurate although this evening I went cross country skiing for only 20 minutes and when I returned to my tiny studio condo it took me almost an hour to de-thaw from the freezing temperatures oudoors. My mother and I have nothing to complain about especially when the 500 residents of the coldest place on earth deal with frigid temperatures. Where's this coldest place on earth where temperatures dip to an unbelievable -57 degrees? It's OYMYAKON, SIBERIA.

January in certain parts of the world is a cold month but nothing beats the January temperatures of Oymyakon. With my fingers thawing from the frigid northern Michigan winter I literally had tears rolling down my face as I searched the internet to find the coldest place on earth. After watching videos and reading articles about tiny Oymyakon I'm eager to venture to this remote corner of the world. In the meantime I have some interesting facts to share about the earth's coldest place. "THE POLE OF THE COLD"

                                                Frozen fish anyone? Good & Healthy!

1. It takes 2 days and nights to drive to Oymyakon on a barren icy road.

2. 1 million people died making "the road of bones" that leads to Oymyakon.

3. The record low temperature was -98 degrees in 2013.

4. A banana can be used as a hammer.           

5. Frostbite is a constant danger.

6.  Many of the residents have Asiatic features.

7.  Eyelashes freeze due to the constant cold.

8.  Crops can't grow here so residents mosty eat meat and fish.

9.  It is dark 21 hours a day in the winter.

10. Pipes freeze so no plumbing in Oymakon.

11. Cars have to be kept running all the time because the engines freeze.

12. Reindeer herders can take you on a trip through the Siberian wilderness.

13. Oymyakon means "unfrozen water."

14. The area is eqipped with a post office, schools, a bank, and an airport runway.

15. The sun comes out once in awhile.

16. Oymyakon is usually covered with snow.

Only 500 residents can brave the extremely frigid temperares of Oymyakon but to them it's home and they're happy. Comfort is found with love and vodka in cold Oymyakon, Siberia. Be certain to check out the "60 Minutes, Visiting the Coldest town in the World" video on YOU TUBE. It's an excellent and informative documentary.

                         Even a bottle of vodka freezes in Oymyakon!


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