Traveling the globe is at a standstill and most people are staying put in their countries due to the coronavirus pandemic. Who knows when countries will open up again for travel? It could be another year, or two. So...if you're longing to leave your dwelling place for a bit whether it's in a big city, mid sized city, small town, in the desert, mountains, or near the sea, or perhaps in the countryside, there are places to travel to. Seven continents, over 195 countries, but most countries aren't inviting tourists as of now. So what do you do? You can embrace the attractions in your country for the time being. I'm in North America and I can't even enter one of my favorite countries (Canada) so thanks to a dear friend's invitation I'm in MAINE, USA. MAINE IS A STATE TO BEHOLD, ITS A VACATION PARADISE! MAINE, is one of American's most beautiful states, its scenery is breath-taking. This New England state boasts miles of Atlantic Ocean shoreline, hundreds of...