China is full of extraordinary wonders, one being the creation of chopsticks. Thanks to the Chinese, other Asian countries enjoy eating their food with chopsticks. Chopsticks became 2 sticks of the same length in the Shang Dynasty 16th-11th century BC. Chopsticks are held with the dominant hand between thumb and fingers. The Chinese discovered centuries ago that using two sticks was better for reaching into pots full of hot water. CHINA, People's Republic of China is considered an ancient civilization. It was established in 221 BC. The Chinese calendar is the oldest in the world. With a population of 1.386 billion, China is the most populated country in the world. The Chinese language consists of 40,000 characters. China has many wonders to see from the Forbidden City in Beijing to the Great Wall to the highest mountain in the world called Mount Everest which stands at 29,000 feet. FORBIDDEN CITY; is a palace complex in central Beijing. I...