The Belgian Chocolate Connoisseur

Belgium , a culinary masterpiece where food is at it's finest in Central Europe. Belgium where the land is fertile and the sea beckons, a country filled with mesmerizing cities and villages, lovely architecture, and cultural stimulation. And it's in Belgium where citizens and tourists alike flock to eating establishments to please their palates with beer, beef stew, fresh seafood, pommes frites, waffles and famous Belgium chocolate. Chocolate is synonymous with BELGIUM and for good reason because it tastes divine. One of the reasons why Belgium chocolate is the best in the world is because many of the chocolatiers are run by families who make it by hand using simple equipment and mixing the cocoa beans thinly for a smooth texture. A famous chocolatier name is Neuhaus. In 1857 Jean Neuhaus arrived in Brussels from Switzerland and opened a pharmacy at Galerie De la Reine. He covered his medicines with a layer of chocolate to make it easier to handle. Y...