The animals of Madagascar mesmerize humans beings because many of them simply cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. Here's a list of some of the living species that make Madagascar home: Aye-Aye, Bamboo-Lemur, Comet Moths, Dwarf Lemur, Red-Ruffed Lemur, Flat Tailed Geckos, Flying Fox, Fossa, Tomato Frog, Panther Chameleons, and Pochards just to name a few. Aye-Aye (Courtesy of animal Flying Fox (Courtesy of Tomato Frog (Courtesy of Tumblr) The animals of Madagascar aren't the only spectacular thing to witness. Eventually during your journey the scents of vanilla will enchant you. Madagascar is one of the top producers of vanilla and vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world. Vanilla Orchid (Madagascar) The vanilla flower is an orchid that produces frui