A visit to "Old Hollywood" (California, USA)

Hollywood, California is known the world over for the movie industry. The 21st century Hollywood has the 20th century Hollywood to thank for starting the incredible movie industry in Southern California many years ago. Superstar "MICKEY ROONEY" who passed away this month was the last male star of the "golden age of Hollywood." Mr. Rooney made hundreds of films and his legend will live on for years to come. I'd like to dedicate this post to him. Once upon a time there was a fabulous movie studio known as Metro, Goldwyn, Mayer (MGM). A lot of amazing films were filmed on the MGM sound stages. MGM had a lot of major stars too including Mickey Rooney who was the #1 star in the world from the late 1930's until the early 1940's. Spanning a film career that lasted ten decades Mr. Rooney was truly a hollywood legend. Although "LOS ANGELES" is an ultra hip city with 21st century trends one can still take a trip down memory lane and get a ta...